Cayman Islands Law Requires Registration
On February 7, the Cayman Islands Government passed sweeping legislation to enhance oversight of investment funds to boost best practices and strengthen investor confidence. The Private Funds Law, 2020 requires private funds formed in Cayman to register with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) within the next six months. The Mutual Funds Law, 2020 removed the small fund exemption (those with fewer than 15 investors) thereby subjecting substantially all private open ended and closed ended funds formed in Cayman to register with CIMA. (For more insight, please see EisnerAmper’s previous report on the Cayman Islands’ enactment of legislative changes to enhance oversight of investment funds to boost best practices and strengthen investor confidence.)
Under the new laws:
- All impacted funds will be required to register by August 7, 2020;
- Any new funds launched from the effective date will require immediate registration.
- The registration fee for the initial registration of affected funds during the transition period will be waived; and
- The first audited accounts for registered funds will not be required to be filed with CIMA until six months following the first full financial year after registration. Unlike other offshore jurisdictions that do not require local auditors, these audited financial statements must be submitted by a CIMA approved local auditor.
As always, for further instruction, please speak to your legal advisors.
By Elana Margulies-Snyderman
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Cayman Islands Enacts Legislative Changes to Enhance the Oversight of Investment Funds
The Cayman Islands Government has drafted two bills to enhance regulation for all Cayman-domiciled hedge funds and also impact private equity funds for the first time, in an effort to boost best practices, strengthen investor confidence and ensure the Islands remains the preeminent jurisdiction for investment funds formation.
Mutual Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2020 and the Private Funds Bill, 2020 would require both hedge funds and private equity funds to have annual audits issued or undertaken by a Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA)-approved local auditor.
Under the new Mutual Funds Bill, funds with fewer than 15 investors would now be required to register with CIMA, comply with annual return requirements, retain accessible records and have annual audits done by a CIMA-approved local auditor.
According to the Private Funds Bill, all private funds would have to comply with above. In addition, they would have requirements for valuation, safekeeping, title verification and cash monitoring. The bill also allows private funds the flexibility to choose the service provider(s) who would provide any required valuation, safekeeping, title verification and cash monitoring services; provided that any administrator, custodian or other independent third party appointed is independent from the fund’s manager or operator or, where any of the manager or operator or their affiliates is appointed, they identify and disclose any conflicts of interest.
The Government is planning a series of briefings and releases in the coming months with the first briefing to be held January 10.
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Business in Brief: EisnerAmper Celebrates 10 Years in Cayman
Accounting, auditing and advisory firm EisnerAmper Cayman celebrated its 10th anniversary in the Cayman Islands at The Westin Grand Cayman last week.
EisnerAmper flew in Adam Cheyer, a co-founder of Siri, the digital assistant in Apple’s iPhone, as a key note speaker.
Mr. Cheyer, who also co-founded Viv, the digital assistant which Samsung branded as Bixby for the Galaxy S8, gave two presentations to local high school students and the business community, last Thursday.
Ben Leung, EisnerAmper’s managing partner, said: “We wanted the pupils at all the local schools to have the opportunity to listen to and meet someone who is a high achiever in the technology field. Moreover the area of mobile technology in particular is relevant now and will become more so in the future.”
The evening session was devoted to the future of artificial intelligence. Given that automation has famously reduced the number of blue collar jobs and is anticipated to reduce the number of white collar jobs as well, the presentation addressed how artificial intelligence is likely to affect businesses going forward.
Mr. Cheyer outlined the future of digital assistants which, although ubiquitous on all computer and smartphone operating systems, are not that widely used.
Mr. Cheyer said it will need four things to elevate assistants from a utility “that is nice to have to a paradigm” that every business will need to use.
This would require one assistant that can be accessed from any device for any type of service in a way that can be personalized, he said.
EisnerAmper Cayman started in 2007 as one of the smallest firms in Cayman and has quickly grown its staff and offices, now located at Cricket Square. “The world financial crisis commenced shortly after we launched so arguably it was not the best timing,” Mr. Leung said. “However, there is always a demand for quality, and we positioned ourselves in the market as a firm where senior management were heavily involved in engagements.”
The firm has undertaken many pro-bono audits such as the CI Red Cross, NCVO, CI Chamber of Commerce and Cayman Finance.
James Lewis, partner, said: “We also try and take every opportunity to participate in events supporting charities. Every year we are out at the supermarkets for Veterans Day. We have dress-down days for local charities like Rock Your Socks (Downs Syndrome) and participate in the events such as the 5Ks for the CI Red Cross and Cayman Crisis Centre, also a sponsor for both.”
A copy of the article published on the Cayman Compass can be downloaded from the following link: Business in brief – EisnerAmper celebrates 10 years in Cayman – Cayman Compass
Other articles written during Adam Cheyer’s visit are on the following link:
SIRI co-founder: AI still too narrow to be feared – The Journal
Siri founder shares secrets to success – Cayman Compass
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Business Spotlight
PKF Cayman, one of the premier accounting and business advisory firms in the Cayman Islands, has enjoyed strong growth since its inception in October 2007. The firm serves many clients that require global support for audit, tax and consulting services. In particular, the firm has a wealth of experience auditing offshore vehicles – in particular hedge funds and captive insurance companies – and is committed to providing clients with a responsive, knowledgeable and professional service. Delivery of this commitment has helped the firm achieve significant growth in Grand Cayman.
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